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Daniel Conway and Geoff Rowley of FRP Advisory Trading Limited were appointed the Joint Special Administrators (“JSAs”) of Silverbird Global Limited (“the Company” or “Silverbird”) on 13 March 2024.
Silverbird has ceased to operate and the JSAs are taking steps to return funds to customers as soon as possible in line with the process set out in legislation. Updates on the current status of this process can be found below.
The JSAs’ team can be contacted by emailing silverbird@frpadvisory.com for specific enquiries. Please note that due to a high volume of enquiries we may not be able to respond to you immediately.
Please note that the scope of the JSAs’ appointment is limited to direct customers. If your services were provided by Currencycloud, you should contact Currencycloud support for details of how to access your funds.

Being Alert to Scams

All customers should remain alert to the possibility of fraud. If you are cold called by someone claiming to be from Silverbird, FRP Advisory or the FCA, please end the call and call them back using an independently verified number. Silverbird has ceased to trade and any other website using the Silverbird branding will be a scam and should be reported to the JSAs.
More information about this can be found on the FCA website at https://www.fca.org.uk/consumers/protect-yourself-scams.

In accordance with legislation, the JSAs have issued a letter and notice dated 14 August 2024 to all known customers eligible to make a relevant funds claim who have not yet done so, setting out a deadline of 14 business days to submit their claims.If you are a customer who has not claimed and have not received a copy of this letter, please contact the JSAs as soon as possible

In accordance with legislation, the JSAs issued a letter and notice on 5 July 2024 to all known customers containing information on how and when to submit their claims and details of the proposed customer distribution process, together with a balance confirmation form.If you are a customer and have not received a copy of this letter please contacted the JSAs as soon as possible.

Friendly supportive compliance

Simplify your compliance with Silverbird and make it business-centric

Never let compliance stop you again

With our redesigned business-centric compliance you will grow your business without stumbling. Say goodbye to ignorant and suspicious traditional banking providers. It's all about business now.

Payments yesterday

  • Most banks insist on visiting a branch when you implement a change or introduce a new person.
  • International payments can be blocked due to the'suspicious nature of the transactions".
  • Banks ask for piles of paperwork if and when irregular transactions take place.

Business with Silverbird

  • Silverbird employs an electronic document exchange and provides an 100% digital service.
  • Silverbird processes payments instantly and simplifies the compliance process for you.
  • Silverbird doesn't ask dull questions. We are not a bank, but a financial technology company. We make an effort to understand your business.

Our KYC technology

  • User friendly KYC that you will love
  • Automatic documents check in seconds
  • Liveness check to make sure you're a human

1 - Place your face in the frame and look straight in the camera 
2 - Place your ID card in the frame 
3 - Turn your ID around

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