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Brian McLaughlin
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Brian McLaughlin

An award-winning Canadian-based freelance writer and journalist, Brian McLaughlin has researched and written articles on economics, politics, business, energy, technology, and other industry topics. For over three decades, his research, feature articles, commentaries/op-eds have appeared in regional, national, and internationally reaching publications, such as HuffPost, Journal-Pioneer, The Guardian, Ricochet, Canadian Geographic, National Fisherman, The Atlantic, Lifestyle Business, Atlantic Progress, and diverse hospitality, social life, travel, trade magazines and renowned newspapers. His op-eds/commentaries have ranked as “four & five stars” according to Transcontinental Media readers surveys. He’s also an author/humorist with two current fiction projects as works-in-progress: his debut anthology collection of fictional shorts, Girl in the Tree; and his debut novel project, Organic Garden.

Brian McLaughlin's professional shtick spans non-profit association management/business trade advocacy, public relations/communications, sales and marketing within a leading technology sector 'Fortune 500' international company, as well as private, global contemporary communications consulting services.

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Brian McLaughlin